Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Cardiac Hormones, atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP)

Cardiac Hormone are Natriuretic peptides because they are hormones secreted by the heart that increase the excretion of Sodium (Na) by the kidneys (uretic).

Increasing a person's salt Intake causes blood volume expansion and stretch of the atria which leads to atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) secretion. ANP increases salt and water excretion to reduce blood volume and blood pressure. ANP also directly dilates blood vessels, which helps to lower blood pressure.

Work in this area over the past 20 years has already resulted in new drugs to treat hypertension and heart failure. ANP is normally degraded in the kidneys by an enzyme (NEP) which breaks its peptide ring structure, making it inactive. Drugs that inhibit NEP cause ANP in the plasma to increase, thus augmenting ANP's blood pressure lowering capacity. Heart attacks cause a massive release of cardiac hormones.

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